Solar panel
Solar Panel Installation

How Long Does A Solar Panel Installation Take?

One of the primary homeowner’s questions when contemplating installing solar home panels, is “how long will the installation take?”. It’s true that the actual installation process can be as quick than six hours. However, going solar is comprised of more than simply having contractors set up in your roofing. There are additional things to consider in determining the best time and date to finish your solar installation.

We’ll guide you through the process of installing solar and help you determine the length of time it could take to complete the installation for your home.

The solar installation timeline at a glance

  • The entire solar installation process can take from two to six months for completion.
  • Typically, contractors can install a solar system for homes in just 6 hours.
  • The longest portion of the installation procedure is waiting for approval of the permit and is likely to take nearly two months to finish.
  • Once the system is in place after installation, you must wait one to six weeks for your municipality and utility to examine and accept the installation.
  • In the meantime, waiting in the meantime for installation completed is worth the wait since the system will reward you with hundreds of dollars of electrical cost savings over the next 25 years.


Solar panel installation process timeline

Solar panel
installation process timeline

Installation is only one part of the puzzle to changing to solar. Eight crucial steps can ensure that the whole process can take anywhere between 2 to 6 months in the average.

Selecting an installer for solar

Time: One day up to two weeks

Picking a solar company is the most important aspect of your solar journey. The company you choose will determine not just the cost of the installation, but the quality of the installation and the timeline too!

It is important to ensure that you’re choosing the most trustworthy company that has been in operation for at least five years, has at least a NABCEP-accredited installer and is a reputable one with positive feedback from clients. The process can take less than an hour however, it’s crucial to make the effort to look up several installers that which you are comfortable with, but obtain and review the quotes they offer. It is not advisable to skimp when it comes to selecting the best company.

At least three estimates will increase the likelihood of getting the best quality installation and the best price. The easiest method to locate reliable solar firms in your local area is using our cutting-edge solar calculator that lets you view your solar savings potential and will help you start gathering estimates.

Site evaluation

Time 1 week

Once you have chosen the solar provider and they’ll have to conduct an inspection of your property to determine if the roof you have is appropriate for solar installation. A representative from the installation company will visit your home and inspect the area to assess the state and shade, dimensions, and orientation that your roofing is facing. They’ll also ensure that your roof is able to handle the load of solar panels. They’ll also examine the electrical panel to determine what needs to be done. improvements.

The site evaluation is less than a day, one or two hours maximum however, we provide an estimated timeframe of one week in order to take time for scheduling.

System design

Time 2-to-3 weeks

If you’ve determined whether your roofing is suitable to be solar-powered An engineer will then begin the design of the solar system. Your usage of electricity, roofing characteristics as well as local building code regulations and utility requirements are all considered when making the design.

The process of design could take between about two and three weeks, on average, however it could be longer if the roof is more complicated. However, the initial planning phase for complex systems will likely not be more than four weeks finish.

Requesting building and solar permits

Time 2-7 weeks

Installing solar panels is a building project which is why you should get all the required permits before you begin installing. Unfortunately, the process of obtaining permits will likely to be the longest component of solar installation. The specific permits required vary between towns. Certain towns have solar-specific permits, while other towns have different electrical and building permits that have to be acquired.

Based on the type of permits required and the permit procedures implemented in your locality It can take up to two weeks for approval, or nearly two months. We all know that waiting for this long to get permits is irritating. However, the good thing is that your solar installer is the one responsible for all the paperwork, so you don’t need to fret about it.

Making arrangements for equipment, and scheduling the installation

Time 1 – 4 weeks

Once your permits have been granted, your company is able to begin to make preparations to put in your system. Certain installers have the necessary equipment they need to get going with your project as soon as possible. There is no need to wait for the equipment to be shipped, but you may need wait until they find time for the installation. This is the reason we offer this stage one week at a minimum.

If your installer isn’t carrying items on hand and it can take several weeks for all the items they require to be delivered, particularly in light of the ongoing issues in the solar sector’s supply chain problems.

Attention buyers of batteries: You may have to wait longer when you pair an array of solar panels to batteries stored in solar panels. Batteries are extremely sought-after and it's not easy to locate one on time. Certain installers might have them on hand but don't be too surprised by the fact that the battery will add significantly to the wait time.


Time From 6 hours to three days

As we mentioned earlier, installing solar panels will be the fastest phase of the procedure. For the majority of homes, it will take about six hours to complete!

Similar to the structure of the solar system. The more complicated it is, the longer time it’ll require to complete. In the vast majority, your solar installation shouldn’t take more than three days unless unexpected problems occur during the installation. However, the most likely scenarios are few and far and few.

City inspection

Time Between 1 and 2 weeks

The installation might be completed however this doesn’t mean you’re ready to produce electricity right now. It’s important to get a few confirmations before you’re operational.

In the beginning, an inspector from the local area will be on site to verify that the system is installed correctly and meets the proper building regulations. This is a security step, so that any problems are identified prior to the system goes into operation.

Similar to the site inspection it will be a couple of hours at most and it may take up to a week to make the appointment.

Interconnection with utilities and the permission to operate

Time between 2-6 weeks

Also, you’ll need wait for approval to use the utility company before you begin to use those solar panels. It shouldn’t come as a unexpected that waiting on approval from the utility may take a long time.

Typically the utility will go to your property, put in an electric meters that are able to properly communicate the solar energy produced and perform a brief check. After this is completed your interconnection contract will receive the seal of approval, and you’re now able to start powering your home using solar power!

Final Thoughts


Installing solar panels is worth the long wait

We know that the six-month period is long. However, as the saying says, good things will happen to those who sit. Even if it takes several months to get the installation finished and completed, it takes only 9 years (or maybe less!) for solar panels to be able to pay for them. In the end, you’ll have 15 years of totally free electric power. Additionally, it’s beneficial for the environment – who would not want to be a part of this?


If you take into consideration everything you must do in order to put solar panels on your roof, it is possible to take anywhere from two months or more than six months. Remember that this timeline is only an estimateand could differ greatly based on the specifics of your situation. The solar company you choose to work with will be able to provide you with the information of what the normal timeline is for your region.



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